Sun July 6 2003

Sun July 6 2003 Mon July 7 2003 Tue July 8 2003 Wed July 9 2003 Thu July 10 2003 Fri July 11 2003 Sat July 12 2003 Sun July 13 2003

What's the longest you've ever waited to register at a hotel?  I was totally unprepared for the wait in the Flamingo lobby, and to find out I had to come back later to get the key...BLEAH!  So, I wandered out to the pool and caught some rays while I waited for the rest of our group to arrive.  And only managed to toss $20 on roulette.

bulletCheck in at the Flamingo
bulletDinner at the Buffet
bulletCasinos (Paris, Aladdin, Bellagio, New York New York)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
bullet"0" - Cirque du Soleil

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