Sunday, February 8, 2004

Cruising Cape Horn, Chile
At Cape Horn, two great oceans -- the Atlantic and the Pacific -- greet one another. Our passage offered many opportunities to see abundant wildlife, with a naturalist on board to narrate. Horn Island in the Tierra Del Fuego archipelago, is the southernmost point of the Americas.

As the ship sails through Cape Horn, we saw spectacular sites of both land and sea (1 - 5), although some of us were too busy doing the morning walk. After breakfast, I caught the tail end of another Colonel Reid lecture, this one on the Falklands and "The War That Never Should Have Happened".  But some things interrupt even the Colonel, like BINGO!  Ron was our winner for today. After lunch was our slot tournament where Leona took the top slot.  Then the second lecture by our buddy, Ernest Borgnine. Then, it was Guys Day Out, where Judy massacred the guys in basketball, and Toby took the pot at poker.  In between those, I squeezed in a trip to thalassotherapy pool and a couple hands of hearts with Debbie, Mark, Howard, and Randy.

That night was formal night so once again as we got all gussied up. Tonight included a little karaoke, but for some reason I was the only one to get yanked from the stage! (1 - 7

The Virtual Jewish History Tour - Chile

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Sunday, March 19, 2006